
My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult


This was such a powerful book! I'm not sure why I waited so long to read it. It's been sitting on my shelf for over a year, and I just kept putting it off and putting it off.  I wanted to see the movie, and figured that I should probably read the book first.

Jodi Picoult did a wonderful job of exploring a topic that has so many sides and opinions. It was a book that truly made you question and think about things. But she never pushed you to agree with one viewpoint or another. Instead, she did an amazing job of showing so many different sides of the story so that you could decide for yourself what you feel was right or wrong in the situation.

Without giving away any spoilers, I just have to say that I really liked the way that she chose to end the book.  I know that there is some debate over the ending, but personally, I think that it made a fantastic point.  Perfect!

I listened to the audiobook. And for fans of audiobooks, I recommend it. I loved having different people reading the sections told from each persons point of view. One caution though is that there are some real tear jerker sections, so you probably don't want to be listening to it anywhere that you would be embarrassed to start crying!

This was an all around amazing read!

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